The next short film is called Steven. It follows a teenage boy, going through typical teenage struggles such as school and families. We can tell that this is a teen film straight away not only because of the age of the main character but also because of the typical teenage props like game controllers and phones. The short film starts with cross cutting between the two stories of the house: the upstairs, showing Steven gaming and the downstairs showing his Nan watching T.V. We then see after multiple attempts, the Nan telling Steven to feed the dog, before him returning to his room, a key stereotype of teenagers. While this is happening the director has used multiple interesting shots and transitions. We then see he get's a message from a girl, leading to use seeing into Steven's thoughts as he wonders who it could be. After several shots of him at school, underlying the fact that this is a teen film, we see Steven go to the meeting place, which is a park, a popular teen location. It is then revealed that the message is from his Nan, suggesting that this could be a hybrid between teen and comedy.
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